Sunday, September 7, 2008

Meanings for My Assignment 3

Throughout the whole process of doing this assignment, I can always remember the reminds from fellow lecturers asking us to produce a design that conveys a positive message instead of a negative one. I personally strongly agrees to the lecturers because in my opinion, the main aim of this assignment is to create an awareness and encourage the people to protect and love the nature. I think that a poster with negative design will scare the people to think that everything is destroy already and it is too late to do anything.

That's why I come up with this design. I design the sky to create the effect of sunrise because sunrise always signifies a brand new day and hope. It shows that by planting more trees and protect the forest left around the world today, we can have another hope for a brand new day.

The part where the tree is as lighter and the part where the sky and the city is is darker to indicates that the city where we lived is badly polluted and that the lighter part where the tree is signifies a place where there is full of hope if we protects our environment well. The fireflies in this poster carries a meanings that it is never too late to save the forest, there is still a glimpse of hope, just like the light of fireflies in the dark to save the planet where we all lives.

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Steps in producing Assignment 3, The Poster

Firstly, I open up my original rough sketch of my choice in Illustrator and named it PENCIL SKETCH layer and lock it up to ease the work.

Next, I open up 2 new layer, one named as LAND and the other named as CITY. On both layers, I used PEN TOOL to draw the outline of the city buildings and land. I set the stroke of the brush to 3pt so that the lines would be more visible and easier to work with.

Then, I copy the image of my tree in assignment 2 and paste it in a new layer which I named it as TREE and make some alterations to the size of the tree so that the whole proportions of the posters become more balance.
For the next step, Itried to create a morning sky. So, I open a new layer and named it as SKY, and I fill the sky with color by using LIVE PAINT BUCKET TOOL, and add some GRADIENT to it. I mix dark blue, cream yellow, and soft orange for the sky. Then to avoid the color appeared to be too opaque, I reduce the OPACITY of this layer to 75% to create soft light effect. Same as the SKY layer, I used LIVE PAINT BUCKET TOOL to fill in color for the LAND layer. I add some GRADIENT to the color so that the overall color won't look so dull. I change the characteristic of the gradient to Linear and rotate the angle of the gradient to 90 degrees.

Using the same technique as above, I fill in black for the buildings of the CITY layer. Then, I move the whole layer below the LAND layer to create distance feeling between the city and the land.

Then by making the TREE layer visible, I just do some slight alterations to the position of the tree to the centre of the poster.

Next, I open a new layer and name it as FIREFLY. Using the same technique to create the fireflies in assignment 2, which is using Ellipse tool to draw many circles, fill it with mix orange GRADIENT effect and use GAUSSIAN BLUR to blur them. The only difference from assignment 2 is the color I used to mix for the GRADIENT which is to be fill into the circles is a 2 or 3 more level lighter than the orange color I used in previous assignment ,the sizes of the fireflies is much more smaller as compare to assignment 2 so that it won't take away the attention of the TREE which is the main character in my poster.

Next, on the SLOGAN layer, using ARTISTIC PAINTBRUSH, I select dark green color as the stroke to draw a young plant and write the words 'tree' to make the elements TREE appear differently from the others to accentuate it as the main message of my poster.

Next, to insert words for the slogan, I used TEXT tool to draw a text box and type in the slogan I design and change the font size of the words by using big font size and bold for the main message appear LARGER and more eyecatching and the smaller message into smaller font size.

This is how the the SLOGAN layer looks like after all the editing I've done to it.

Next, I try to copy one of the firefly from the FIREFLY layer and paste it between the L and the I of the word LIFE to enlighten the whole effect of the slogan. I found out that the outcome is really quite nice, and I like the way the firefly brings out the feelings of HOPE for the words LIFE and hence I decided to keep it there.

Last but not the least, I create a new layer and name it as LOGO and paste my symbol in assignment 1 on the left corner of the poster. It's like a copyright, symbolize that it is my creation...hehe...

Here is how my project looks like in the end. yay!!!!

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Background Research for Assignment 3

For this assignment, we are supposed to design a poster based on the topic we choose from the previous assignment. The poster is to give an overall picture of the happenings and the effects of the area of choice. That's what stated in the mmls.

I start off as usual by soing some background research from the internet to search for some suitable pictures and examples of posters as my source of idea for this assignment. Since the my topic is deforestation, I look for some posters with trees as the main theme. The following are some pictures I dowonloaded from Google images and Msn images.

Though the design is simple, but the poster sends out clear message of protecting the nature.

I'm sure that this everyone will feel very familiar with this posters because this posters have been used by many other students as their reference. But still, this poster captures my heart the moment i saw it. No complicated design, the usage of color give me a very refreshing feeling as if I can feel a warmth of breeze blowing on me if I was standing under the tree in the poster. Certainly a very special design as compare to the other poster, this poster gives me a hint of priental feelings because the design of the treelooks very much like a cherry tree.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sketches for Assignment 3

Now we are starting our final assignment....phew....finally, the last one. For the third assignment, we are supposed to designed a poster based on the topic we choose on the previous assignment.

My main theme is deforestation, and I decided to design a poster that can convey a positive message to the people to protect and love the trees since it's essential in balancing the natural ecosystem. And I've come out with a few idea which I sketch roughly on my notebook.

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Monday, August 18, 2008

Meanings of My Logo

Since the topic of my first assignment is deforestation, I tried to convey the message of protecting the trees on the earth because it is the main character in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem of nature.

I purposely design my tree with a lot of branches and leaves in comparison to the tree trunk and draw it as if it is growing in the middle of a hill to enhance the message of tree as a character in maintaining the balance of the nature at the same time praising the tree as a holy presence of the earth. The tree plays important role not only in carbon cycle and maintaining regular global temperature but also as the primary food source for living creatures. Without trees living creatures will die eventually because of the disruption in the food chain and also the imbalance of carbon cycle.

Next, I purposely make the lines of the whole image very thick to create the feelings like the tree is being created through mosaic, a totally different feeling as compare to others artwork which I get this inspiration through the mosaic on the wall of the bathroom when I was taking my bath.

The fireflies and the black background symbolized that the tree is just like fireflies providing a little glimpse of light in the darkness of the night. When the world becomes more and more pollute because of human actions, there's only the trees struggling to maintained the harmony between nature and human beings. And the amount of trees left around the world keep on decreasing day by day until its number reaching a state that its always wiped out completely by us, the human beings, just like the light of fireflies although visible but so tiny in the night sky that it feels like it is going to fade away anytime.
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Steps in Producing Assignment 2

Firstly, I open the pencil sketch of my tree in Illustrator and used pen tool to draw the outline of my tree. I separate the lines into a few layers that is the pencil sketch layer, tree trunk layer, background layer, leaves layer, hill layer, firefly layer and also another layer for my logo.
Next, I make the lines of the whole image becomes thicker by changing the stroke of the outline of the tree to 10pt. Then I fill in the trunk of the tree with brown color by using Fill Path technique.
On the leaves layer, I fill the leaves with color by using Fill Path technique and add some gradient to the color of the leaves by mixing 3 colors that is dark green, light green and white color. Besides, in order to make the leaves appear more coordinate, I rotate the angle of the gradient by changing the angle of the gradient, some remain 0 degree, some into 90, 180 and 270 degree.
After that, I fill in colors for my Hill layer also by using Fill Path technique at the same time adding gradient to the hill. For the Hill, I mixed only dark green and light green for the gradient. Then, by using Pencil tool, I draw some grass free handed so that the whole picture won't look so dull.
Next I create a new layer which I named as Firefly. For this layer I try to draw fireflies surrounding the tree. I used Ellipse tool and randomly draw some circles on the picture then fill in the circles with orange color which I blend in 3 types of orange and 1 type of yellow color and I change the type of gradient into Radial gradient. In order to create the soft and blurry light carried by the fireflies, I choosed Gaussian blur in the Blur tool, and change the pixel to 9.o and alter the size of the firefly some into small and some into big to create distace effect.

To accentuate the color of the firefly, I fill the background of the whole picture with black color at the same time also because firefly usually active in the night.

This is how the whole picture looks like after changing the background to black color.Finally, I open up a new layer and put my logo in assignment 1 on the bottom right corner of the picture.

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Rough Sketches of Assignment 2

This is the picture of tree which I consider as reference for my Assignment 2. The reason I choosed this picture is because of the huge branches and the leaves growing out from the main branches when compare to other trees that surround it.

I decided to draw a tree with its leaves and branches much more larger than its trunk and the land below in contrast to show the importance of the role played by trees in the balance of the nature.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Background research for Assignment 2

Background research of Tree

For this assignment, we are supposed to draw a main object from the topic of our logo in assignment 1. Since the main message I want to deliver from my logo is planting more trees, I'm going to draw a tree for this assignment.
I start of by doing some research and collect some pictures of different kinds of trees. Here are some of the pictures of the trees that attract my attention from among thousands of the 'trees' picture in GOOGLE, and also MSN search engine.
For this picture I kinda like the whole concept of the picture, no complicated background, it makes the whole tree standout and clear as the main subject of the whole picture. The fruits of the trees gave me a feelings like this is the tree of life which provides the food for our life....kinda fairytale-like.

After seeing a few classmates using this picture as their reference, I was kinda struggle whether I should use it or not at first. But in the end, I still unable to resist this tree. I have the 'wow' feeling when I first saw this tree. Its extremely huge, and the way the branches branch out from the main branch and the way the trees around it grow become so small in proportions to the big tree, and its like the centre tree is the mother tree shading every living things around it. That's why I especially like this one. It perfectly deliver my message in this assignment. I think that trees is like the character that maintains the balance of ecosystem in the world.

For this tree I like the concept that it shows the condition of a tree during the change of the four seasons. It might can be an idea for me to tell people don't forget to always protect and plant trees throughout the whole year whatever what the season is.

While this one attracts my attention because of the leaves of the tree. I was quite shock about how similar this tree is to my logo in assignment 1 in the sense of the way the leaves is drew and the trunk of the tree. The only difference is that this tree have more leaves than mine in assignment 1....haha...

And below here is some other tree pictures which I downloaded simply just for extra references. I'll aupload them as extra information.

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Meanings of My Logo

The main theme of my logo is " Deforestation " .

House : I use the shape of a house in my logo to deliver the message of planting more trees to every family around the whole world and to the members of those family. At the same time, house is also signifies home or protection, it also indicates the message of protect and love our nature.

Green : Green is the color for trees and at the same time also been signified as the color of nature.

Latte : Latte is a color that represents soil color of the earth. I put the tree on this part to represents a tree being planted on the ground and we should protect them well now and forever.

Orange : Orange or red is give the meaning of heat or hot. I fill the part of the earth this color to enhance the messages of global warming and that the general temperature of the whole world have increased. I used buildings like features to represents the earth or can also symbolises concrete high buildings of the city. We all know that when more and more skyscrapers are built, it indicates that more and more trees were chopped down in order to clear the land which is one of the causes of global warming.

Blue : Blue represents water. I used it in my logo to represents the part of sea that cover the earth. The blue part of my logo represents the sea. As we can see, I applied wavy lines to enhance the features of sea. As we all knows, when global warming occurs, many of the giant icebergs in the Artic and Antartic have melt away due to the rise in global temperature and this has lead to the rising of sea level all around the world.

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Saturday, July 19, 2008


1 . Firstly, I draw my logo on a piece of A4 paper and use a camera to snap a picture of it and upload it onto my blog.

2. Next, I open the pencil sketch in Adobe Illustrator and name it as Pencil Sketch.

3. I open up a new layer above the which I name it as Pen layer tool and trace along the pencil line of my rough sketch.

4. To start fill in colors for the tree, I set up a new layer for the tree and name it as Tree. Then I made a path by using Direct Selection Tool to make selection along the tree line. I fill the tree with gradient green color which the green color goes from deep to light green.

5. Then, I set up another layer which is the layer House and fill it with very light brown.

6. Next, I set up another layer as Earth layer, and fill it with gradient color which goes from Red to Orange and then to Yellow color.

7. For the next step, I create a new layer and name it as the Sea layer which I fill with gradient color from Deep Blue to Light Blue.

8. This is the final product of my logo.
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Meanings for My Assignment 3

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Throughout the whole process of doing this assignment, I can always remember the reminds from fellow lecturers asking us to produce a design that conveys a positive message instead of a negative one. I personally strongly agrees to the lecturers because in my opinion, the main aim of this assignment is to create an awareness and encourage the people to protect and love the nature. I think that a poster with negative design will scare the people to think that everything is destroy already and it is too late to do anything.

That's why I come up with this design. I design the sky to create the effect of sunrise because sunrise always signifies a brand new day and hope. It shows that by planting more trees and protect the forest left around the world today, we can have another hope for a brand new day.

The part where the tree is as lighter and the part where the sky and the city is is darker to indicates that the city where we lived is badly polluted and that the lighter part where the tree is signifies a place where there is full of hope if we protects our environment well. The fireflies in this poster carries a meanings that it is never too late to save the forest, there is still a glimpse of hope, just like the light of fireflies in the dark to save the planet where we all lives.

Steps in producing Assignment 3, The Poster

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Firstly, I open up my original rough sketch of my choice in Illustrator and named it PENCIL SKETCH layer and lock it up to ease the work.

Next, I open up 2 new layer, one named as LAND and the other named as CITY. On both layers, I used PEN TOOL to draw the outline of the city buildings and land. I set the stroke of the brush to 3pt so that the lines would be more visible and easier to work with.

Then, I copy the image of my tree in assignment 2 and paste it in a new layer which I named it as TREE and make some alterations to the size of the tree so that the whole proportions of the posters become more balance.
For the next step, Itried to create a morning sky. So, I open a new layer and named it as SKY, and I fill the sky with color by using LIVE PAINT BUCKET TOOL, and add some GRADIENT to it. I mix dark blue, cream yellow, and soft orange for the sky. Then to avoid the color appeared to be too opaque, I reduce the OPACITY of this layer to 75% to create soft light effect. Same as the SKY layer, I used LIVE PAINT BUCKET TOOL to fill in color for the LAND layer. I add some GRADIENT to the color so that the overall color won't look so dull. I change the characteristic of the gradient to Linear and rotate the angle of the gradient to 90 degrees.

Using the same technique as above, I fill in black for the buildings of the CITY layer. Then, I move the whole layer below the LAND layer to create distance feeling between the city and the land.

Then by making the TREE layer visible, I just do some slight alterations to the position of the tree to the centre of the poster.

Next, I open a new layer and name it as FIREFLY. Using the same technique to create the fireflies in assignment 2, which is using Ellipse tool to draw many circles, fill it with mix orange GRADIENT effect and use GAUSSIAN BLUR to blur them. The only difference from assignment 2 is the color I used to mix for the GRADIENT which is to be fill into the circles is a 2 or 3 more level lighter than the orange color I used in previous assignment ,the sizes of the fireflies is much more smaller as compare to assignment 2 so that it won't take away the attention of the TREE which is the main character in my poster.

Next, on the SLOGAN layer, using ARTISTIC PAINTBRUSH, I select dark green color as the stroke to draw a young plant and write the words 'tree' to make the elements TREE appear differently from the others to accentuate it as the main message of my poster.

Next, to insert words for the slogan, I used TEXT tool to draw a text box and type in the slogan I design and change the font size of the words by using big font size and bold for the main message appear LARGER and more eyecatching and the smaller message into smaller font size.

This is how the the SLOGAN layer looks like after all the editing I've done to it.

Next, I try to copy one of the firefly from the FIREFLY layer and paste it between the L and the I of the word LIFE to enlighten the whole effect of the slogan. I found out that the outcome is really quite nice, and I like the way the firefly brings out the feelings of HOPE for the words LIFE and hence I decided to keep it there.

Last but not the least, I create a new layer and name it as LOGO and paste my symbol in assignment 1 on the left corner of the poster. It's like a copyright, symbolize that it is my creation...hehe...

Here is how my project looks like in the end. yay!!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Background Research for Assignment 3

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 4:10 PM 0 comments
For this assignment, we are supposed to design a poster based on the topic we choose from the previous assignment. The poster is to give an overall picture of the happenings and the effects of the area of choice. That's what stated in the mmls.

I start off as usual by soing some background research from the internet to search for some suitable pictures and examples of posters as my source of idea for this assignment. Since the my topic is deforestation, I look for some posters with trees as the main theme. The following are some pictures I dowonloaded from Google images and Msn images.

Though the design is simple, but the poster sends out clear message of protecting the nature.

I'm sure that this everyone will feel very familiar with this posters because this posters have been used by many other students as their reference. But still, this poster captures my heart the moment i saw it. No complicated design, the usage of color give me a very refreshing feeling as if I can feel a warmth of breeze blowing on me if I was standing under the tree in the poster. Certainly a very special design as compare to the other poster, this poster gives me a hint of priental feelings because the design of the treelooks very much like a cherry tree.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sketches for Assignment 3

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 3:46 PM 0 comments
Now we are starting our final assignment....phew....finally, the last one. For the third assignment, we are supposed to designed a poster based on the topic we choose on the previous assignment.

My main theme is deforestation, and I decided to design a poster that can convey a positive message to the people to protect and love the trees since it's essential in balancing the natural ecosystem. And I've come out with a few idea which I sketch roughly on my notebook.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Meanings of My Logo

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 9:34 PM 2 comments
Since the topic of my first assignment is deforestation, I tried to convey the message of protecting the trees on the earth because it is the main character in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem of nature.

I purposely design my tree with a lot of branches and leaves in comparison to the tree trunk and draw it as if it is growing in the middle of a hill to enhance the message of tree as a character in maintaining the balance of the nature at the same time praising the tree as a holy presence of the earth. The tree plays important role not only in carbon cycle and maintaining regular global temperature but also as the primary food source for living creatures. Without trees living creatures will die eventually because of the disruption in the food chain and also the imbalance of carbon cycle.

Next, I purposely make the lines of the whole image very thick to create the feelings like the tree is being created through mosaic, a totally different feeling as compare to others artwork which I get this inspiration through the mosaic on the wall of the bathroom when I was taking my bath.

The fireflies and the black background symbolized that the tree is just like fireflies providing a little glimpse of light in the darkness of the night. When the world becomes more and more pollute because of human actions, there's only the trees struggling to maintained the harmony between nature and human beings. And the amount of trees left around the world keep on decreasing day by day until its number reaching a state that its always wiped out completely by us, the human beings, just like the light of fireflies although visible but so tiny in the night sky that it feels like it is going to fade away anytime.

Steps in Producing Assignment 2

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 7:21 PM 0 comments
Firstly, I open the pencil sketch of my tree in Illustrator and used pen tool to draw the outline of my tree. I separate the lines into a few layers that is the pencil sketch layer, tree trunk layer, background layer, leaves layer, hill layer, firefly layer and also another layer for my logo.
Next, I make the lines of the whole image becomes thicker by changing the stroke of the outline of the tree to 10pt. Then I fill in the trunk of the tree with brown color by using Fill Path technique.
On the leaves layer, I fill the leaves with color by using Fill Path technique and add some gradient to the color of the leaves by mixing 3 colors that is dark green, light green and white color. Besides, in order to make the leaves appear more coordinate, I rotate the angle of the gradient by changing the angle of the gradient, some remain 0 degree, some into 90, 180 and 270 degree.
After that, I fill in colors for my Hill layer also by using Fill Path technique at the same time adding gradient to the hill. For the Hill, I mixed only dark green and light green for the gradient. Then, by using Pencil tool, I draw some grass free handed so that the whole picture won't look so dull.
Next I create a new layer which I named as Firefly. For this layer I try to draw fireflies surrounding the tree. I used Ellipse tool and randomly draw some circles on the picture then fill in the circles with orange color which I blend in 3 types of orange and 1 type of yellow color and I change the type of gradient into Radial gradient. In order to create the soft and blurry light carried by the fireflies, I choosed Gaussian blur in the Blur tool, and change the pixel to 9.o and alter the size of the firefly some into small and some into big to create distace effect.

To accentuate the color of the firefly, I fill the background of the whole picture with black color at the same time also because firefly usually active in the night.

This is how the whole picture looks like after changing the background to black color.Finally, I open up a new layer and put my logo in assignment 1 on the bottom right corner of the picture.

Rough Sketches of Assignment 2

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 2:45 PM 0 comments
This is the picture of tree which I consider as reference for my Assignment 2. The reason I choosed this picture is because of the huge branches and the leaves growing out from the main branches when compare to other trees that surround it.

I decided to draw a tree with its leaves and branches much more larger than its trunk and the land below in contrast to show the importance of the role played by trees in the balance of the nature.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Background research for Assignment 2

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 8:10 PM 0 comments

Background research of Tree

For this assignment, we are supposed to draw a main object from the topic of our logo in assignment 1. Since the main message I want to deliver from my logo is planting more trees, I'm going to draw a tree for this assignment.
I start of by doing some research and collect some pictures of different kinds of trees. Here are some of the pictures of the trees that attract my attention from among thousands of the 'trees' picture in GOOGLE, and also MSN search engine.
For this picture I kinda like the whole concept of the picture, no complicated background, it makes the whole tree standout and clear as the main subject of the whole picture. The fruits of the trees gave me a feelings like this is the tree of life which provides the food for our life....kinda fairytale-like.

After seeing a few classmates using this picture as their reference, I was kinda struggle whether I should use it or not at first. But in the end, I still unable to resist this tree. I have the 'wow' feeling when I first saw this tree. Its extremely huge, and the way the branches branch out from the main branch and the way the trees around it grow become so small in proportions to the big tree, and its like the centre tree is the mother tree shading every living things around it. That's why I especially like this one. It perfectly deliver my message in this assignment. I think that trees is like the character that maintains the balance of ecosystem in the world.

For this tree I like the concept that it shows the condition of a tree during the change of the four seasons. It might can be an idea for me to tell people don't forget to always protect and plant trees throughout the whole year whatever what the season is.

While this one attracts my attention because of the leaves of the tree. I was quite shock about how similar this tree is to my logo in assignment 1 in the sense of the way the leaves is drew and the trunk of the tree. The only difference is that this tree have more leaves than mine in assignment 1....haha...

And below here is some other tree pictures which I downloaded simply just for extra references. I'll aupload them as extra information.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Meanings of My Logo

Posted by Piggy's Xing at 12:46 AM 0 comments

The main theme of my logo is " Deforestation " .

House : I use the shape of a house in my logo to deliver the message of planting more trees to every family around the whole world and to the members of those family. At the same time, house is also signifies home or protection, it also indicates the message of protect and love our nature.

Green : Green is the color for trees and at the same time also been signified as the color of nature.

Latte : Latte is a color that represents soil color of the earth. I put the tree on this part to represents a tree being planted on the ground and we should protect them well now and forever.

Orange : Orange or red is give the meaning of heat or hot. I fill the part of the earth this color to enhance the messages of global warming and that the general temperature of the whole world have increased. I used buildings like features to represents the earth or can also symbolises concrete high buildings of the city. We all know that when more and more skyscrapers are built, it indicates that more and more trees were chopped down in order to clear the land which is one of the causes of global warming.

Blue : Blue represents water. I used it in my logo to represents the part of sea that cover the earth. The blue part of my logo represents the sea. As we can see, I applied wavy lines to enhance the features of sea. As we all knows, when global warming occurs, many of the giant icebergs in the Artic and Antartic have melt away due to the rise in global temperature and this has lead to the rising of sea level all around the world.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Posted by Piggy's Xing at 1:56 PM 0 comments
1 . Firstly, I draw my logo on a piece of A4 paper and use a camera to snap a picture of it and upload it onto my blog.

2. Next, I open the pencil sketch in Adobe Illustrator and name it as Pencil Sketch.

3. I open up a new layer above the which I name it as Pen layer tool and trace along the pencil line of my rough sketch.

4. To start fill in colors for the tree, I set up a new layer for the tree and name it as Tree. Then I made a path by using Direct Selection Tool to make selection along the tree line. I fill the tree with gradient green color which the green color goes from deep to light green.

5. Then, I set up another layer which is the layer House and fill it with very light brown.

6. Next, I set up another layer as Earth layer, and fill it with gradient color which goes from Red to Orange and then to Yellow color.

7. For the next step, I create a new layer and name it as the Sea layer which I fill with gradient color from Deep Blue to Light Blue.

8. This is the final product of my logo.

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